MERCHANT FREIGHT LOGISTICS: Paving the way to smoother transactions.

At MERCHANT FREIGHT LOGISTICS, we’re more than just a freight brokering business. We are a testament to the power of determination, and a desire to make an industry a better place for everyone.

Our experience has been on the shipper side, dealing with issues of late shipments, poorly transported with ever increasing costs. A terrible combination to be sure, made worse by the events of the last few years. The problems can’t be placed on one aspect of the industry though. Freight transportation, like everything else has many moving parts. We felt that change had to be made at the source.

While lack of overall industry experience could have deterred us, we viewed it as an advantage. We had no preconceived ideas so our approach is unburdened by the traditional ways of doing things, letting us look at freight brokering with fresh eyes and innovative ideas.
And so, Merchant Freight Logistics was formed!

We are a company that not only stands behind our client, treating each shipment as if it were our own, taking the when and how their shipment will arrive, off their mind. But we also understand that carriers are the wheels that make the world economy turn, treat them with the respect they deserve.

How to do this?
Build relationships.

Building a strong network of carriers and clients is our primary focus. Our dedication to excellent customer service, transparent communication, efficient operations and respect for our carriers is what sets us apart from everyone else.

At MERCHANT FREIGHT LOGISTICS, while we may have entered with little overall experience, our commitment to excellence is unwavering. We continue to innovate and exceed client expectations and carrier relationships, creating a legacy that hopefully will change the industry for the better.

As you explore our website, we invite you to experience the dedication and passion that defines MERCHANT FREIGHT LOGISTICS. We want to change the freight brokering business, one shipment at a time.

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